Welcome to ARCHAEO-ASTRONOMY course notes!
Because that course no longer satisfies the revised Core requirements, it
is not presently scheduled as such. However, the essence of this course
will be offered as an occasional Honors seminar or can be taken under an
independent study arrangement (e.g. PHYS 2995) with
arrangement of the instructor(s). Email Prof Stencel: rstencel@du.edu.
Latest offering: Honors 2403, Winter 2004, Tues 10-noon
Prev. offered as old "Core" January 2001 [at Sturm].
Sarah Nelson (Anthropology) & Robert Stencel (Physics and Astronomy)
Sturm 128 Physics, Room 215
303-871-2682, snelson@du.edu 303-871-2135, rstencel@du.edu
Goals for the course: We plan to approach this course as though each student
were being sent to a field site at the end of the quarter to actively
participate in answering the question: Did ancient cultures include astronomy
in its civilization, based on available evidence? This means you will need to
quickly assimilate the practical methods of astronomy and archaeology as they
apply to ancient sites. To help this, students will work in small
groups to identify hypotheses and tests that could be conducted in the field.
This course also is being considered as a web-based, distance learning
class, and some fine-tuning undoubtedly will occur.
(Apologies if some of these sites have evaporated... try a SEARCH...)
Ancient China
Angkor Wat
More Angkor Wat and Archaeoastronomy
Sun Temple alt Mesa Verde
Chaco Canyon
Chichen Itza
Monte Alban zenith tube
Venus alignment at Gov. Palace, Uxmal
Teoltihuacan and pecked circles
More Archaeo-Astro references
UMd. Center for Archaeoastronomy
Pandora's box of Archaeology
Day 1 of the Chinese Calendar