DU Physics & Astronomy club --

Also known as the Society of Physics Students [AUSA]

http://www.spsnational.org - Zone 14 [Colo-Wyo], SPS Chapter 1528, S.P.S. Chapter 028

http://www.du.edu/~rstencel/SPS.htm .... DU-SPS listserve: du-sps@du.edu....DU telescope access

PORTFOLIO PAGE = http://portfolio.du.edu/sps

Officers 2011/12:

Prez: Nick Williams, ‘12 [nickolas.williams at du.edu]

V.P: [  at du.edu]

Treas:  [  at du.edu]

PR officer:  [ at du.edu]

Prof. Stencel, SPS/SPS Advisor [rstencel at du.edu]


2010/11: Naomi Pequette’11; Nick Williams’12; Paulina Filus; Stasia Erikson

2009/10: Nathan McNew10; Naomi Pequette 11

2008/09: Penny Osborne09; Aaron Bradley09, Nathan McNew10

2007/08: Matt Dahl08, Aaron Bradley09, Priyanka Nandoor09

2006/07: Matt’Dahl08 & Aaron Bradley09

2005/06: Rachel Matson 06 & Matt Dahl08;

2004/05: Jeff Stout05 [Rhodes Scholar] & Dan DeLeo05



FIRST TUES. MONTHLY – 545pm –Marlar Phys313


Regular meetings are first Tues of the month, 5:45pm

Observatory night(s): TBA (8-10pm)

Topics will include: SPS activities this quarter,

Elitch’s phys night prep, summer research internships, T-shirts, website & more!

Links to USG/AUSA and our SPS Constitution  

Also, check out:

www.physics.colorado.edu/phet -- and --

www.physicstogo.org -- a phun phys site 

SUMMER JOBS!  Research Experiences for Undergrads [REU] program applications are due typically during winter quarter.

Come to the Nov/Jan. meetings for details about these opportunities.

Links to Summer Research Internship lists:

REU Sites, physics:      http://www.nsf.gov/crssprgm/reu/list_result.cfm?unitid=69

REU sites, astronomy: http://www.aas.org/career/Summer.html

                New! Dept.Energy REU site: http://ram.orau.gov/doescholars/default.htm

Note, despite the year labels, many continue year to year - check the links provided or search on keywords for the latest info/deadlines.

Recent activities:


2008: May – another successful Physics night at Elitches; Jan 8th officer nominations meeting

2007: Tues Sept. 11: kickoff meeting, 30 participants, pizza; Fri Sept.14 SPS tours Mt.Evans – success!; Tues Oct.2nd; Observatory nights: Sat. Sept.22nd; Thurs Oct.4th Sputnik+50 years; Sat.Oct.13 power plant tour; Nov.6th pizza meeting. 

Thurs. May 10, Physics Night at Elitches – big success! as usual.

Tues. Apr.5th, Marlar room, pizza – planning for Elitch’s physics night and other topics

Tues. Mar.6th, Marlar room, pizza – Officer elections: Matt Dahl, prez; Aaron Bradley VP; Priyanka Nandoor, Secy; several proxies.

Tues. Feb.6th, 5pm Marlar room, pizza -- Officer nominations meeting; Fri Feb.23rd Observatory night.

Tues. Jan.9th, 5pm Marlar, pizza; Jan.20th power plant tour; Jan.26th observatory night.

2006: Fri. Nov.10th, SPS visits Blackholes and Mars at Denver Museum of Nature and Science

Tues. Oct.3rd, 5pm Marlar room, pizza!            Tues Oct.31st 530pm Marlar room, pizza!

Fri.Sep.29th & Oct.27th – visits to DU's historic Chamberlin observatory

Sat.Sep.16th (alt.)– visit Mt.Evans observatory  Tues Sep.26: 5pm, joint meet with DAPT, Olin 105

Tues. Sep.12th, 5pm Marlar room, pizza!          Fri/Sat/Sun Sep.15-17: PeaceJam events

2006: Tues. Apr. 4th, 5pm Marlar room, pizza! Tues. Apr. 11th 430pm - joint with DAPT, Olin 105

Tues. May 2nd, 5pm Marlar room, pizza!           Thurs May 11th Physics Night at Elitch’s

Tues 3/7: monthly pizza meeting                        Tues 2/21: Elitch’s prep meeting           

Tues 1/10/06: monthly pizza meeting

2005 Tues 11/1/05: monthly pizza meeting        Tues 10/25: visit to Boulder Lab for Atmospheric & Space Physics [LASP]                                                Tues 10/18: Café Scientifique/Wynkoop talk on Auger Project [ http://cafescicolorado.org/Upcoming.htm

Fri. 10/7 Chamberlin obs session w/Voltaire/Honors     Tues 10/4: monthly pizza meeting                     

Sat. 9/24: visit to Mt.Evans observatory                        Tues 9/20: SPS first meeting of fall 2005          

Sat. 9/10/05: SPS at AUSA student organization fair

Additional event options:

Telescoping at Chamberlin, Mt.Evans, SAL observatories & internet-based

Collaborative activities with DU Science Club, Voltaire/Honors, other AUSA clubs, etc.

Visits to area labs, including: Equinox [Russ Mellon], Software Bisque [Tom Bisque], Lockheed-Martin [Joy Knight], Ball Aerospace [Mike Hotka], LASP [Dave Street], NIST [Davor Balzar], Café Scientifique, IMAX, DMNS, bowling, etc.


A picture is worth so many mega pixels…

SPSers watch Penny attempt to acoustically shatter glass, in prep for the annual

-- see the gallery at the new SPS portfolio pages: http://portfolio.du.edu/sps