LIS4060 Assignment 3

1. Using WorldCat, tell me what libraries in Colorado have holdings for the Denver Post? [you should find over 30 libraries].

2. Use Statistical Abstract of the United States to find the retail price of gasoline in Denver (or failing that, Colorado) from 1991-2007. Give average price for each year.

3. Find citations to four book reviews for Noam Chomsky's Aspects of the Theory of Syntax (1965).

4. Write a reference ethics policy statement for your local public library. A page will do - but be comprehensive.

5. Write a reference collection development policy statement for the same library. This should address questions like: What kind of print materials do you keep in reference? What kind of online resources do you select for reference? What is your weeding policy?

6. Retrieve 3 records in a tagged format from each of the following databases:

a) Academic Search Complete

Hint: from the Export Manager screen, select "Generic bibliographic management software".

b) Academic OneFile

Hint: Go to your saved records and under Tools, select "Citation Tools."  Under "Export to third party software", select the ProCite format, then hit export. This should save a file to your computer with and "ris" extension. You can change the "ris" to "txt" and view the file in a text editor.

c) ERIC (ProQuest)

Hint: Export/Save to EndNote, Reference Manager, or ProCite (make sure pop-ups are enabled in your browser). Save this ".ris" format file to you computer, and rename it as a ".txt" file.

d) C19

Hint: From the Marked List page, select "Download [periodicals] citations", then "Download in a format compatible with ProCite, EndNote, Reference Manager and RefWorks". Open in a text processor.

e) Energy Citations Database

Hint: After "Show only ( v ) items", select "Download ( v ) Items as EndNote" and save file to local computer, but change the file's extension to ".txt"