(to subscribe, send name and address to Chamberlin Observatory, 2930 E. Warren
Avenue, Denver CO 80208 USA)


Restoration repairs completed during Phase 1 (1997) included: basement 
stabilization (numerous repair and replacement tasks including floor 
replacement and wall repair); dome leakage repair; exterior subsurface 
drainage and surface improvements; rebuild of north stair cover.  The 
$158,000 involved in this effort was provided by the Colorado State Historical 
Society (CHS), DU and the 1772 Foundation -- to whom we are most grateful.   
CHS allows for follow-on grant applications, and requires a Master Plan for 
building preservation to be submitted by the end of Phase 1 (April 1998).

Meetings with stakeholders are underway (DU astronomy, Univ Park, Denver 
Astronomical Society, etc), and a copy of the draft plan is available on 
request.  Comments are welcome.

Currently, the Master Plan development/proposed work for coming year(s) 
includes the following.  This work is subject to finding matching funds as 
required by CHS.  Cost figures are extremely rough estimates at this stage.
	1. Emergency Work:  largely completed during 1997 ($158k).
	2. Urgent repair/rehab (1-2 years): complete repairs to heating 
system; replace existing basement windows; grout stone masonry foundation 
walls; explore internal wall conditions; vent system for excess moisture 
	3. Important repair/rehab (2-6 years): repair/replace exterior windows 
and screens on first and second floors; repair/replace doors; test exterior 
stonework for restoration and repair treatments;  repair/repaint interior 
plasterwork and floors; electrical system rehab ($155k+).
	4. Routine repair/maint: DU Physical Plant.
	5. Discretionary work: lighting; phone/computer wiring; displays; solar
power, etc. (subject to availability of funds).
Updates on this process will appear in future newsletters.


As previously mentioned, a major find of 40+ years worth of annual personal 
diaries by Chamberlin Observatory first Director, Prof. Herbert A. Howe, have 
illuminated the early years of both the Observatory and DU.  In this regular 
feature, we provide a look into some of the interesting facets found in these 
pages, courtesy Howe's grandson, Herbert J., who is compiling a biography 
based on these.

Herbert Alonzo Howe (1858-1926) was Professor of Astronomy at the University 
of Denver, and first Director of Chamberlin Observatory.  During the 1990s, 
Herbert J. Howe found a large collection of his grandfather's annual diaries.  
HJH is carefully assembling these into a new biography, which we will announce 
as soon as available.

A review of selected pages of the diaries spanning the period of Chamberlin 
Observatory's construction (1888-1894) provides much insight into observatory 
and telescope details, as well as the life and times of Howe's family, the 
young Denver University and America.  In this column, we provide thematic 
materials that readers may find of interest.  I am grateful to Herbert J. 
Howe for access to these materials.  
							--DU Prof. R.E.Stencel, Jan.1998

Preview -- selections from the following topics, which will appear in more 
detail in subsequent issues:
 	CHAMBERLIN OBSERVATORY, 7/14/1894 -- [First light] ...put on the eye 
end and the objective.  By working some in the evening, the instrument was 
gotten fairly balanced and we looked through it.  Fannie [Howe] looked first 
at a star: after that the telescope was pointed to the moon and then the 
cluster in Hercules, which looked fine despite the moon and haze.
	THE STUDENT OBSERVATORY, 5/4/1891 -- [First light] The keys to both 
doors of the little observatory were turned over to me.  Looked at Saturn and 
some double stars in the evening: had quite a time getting the driving clock 
to drive the instrument.  Some pieces of the driving mechanism were put 
together too tightly by the men who packed the instrument.
	LIFE IN DENVER AND AT DU, 3/7/1894 -- The Freshmen had their hair 
curled, had canes, flowers, etc.  Consequently Tom Sheffer was pitched upon by 
two Sophomores, right by the Chancellor's recitation room door.  The Chancellor
 kept the two classes after chapel and gave them a talking to about such 
	SCIENTIFIC CONTACTS, 9/22/1893 -- A letter from Prof.Mendenhall asks 
permisison to have a distinguished French geodisist have my cooperation in 
making pendulum observations here.  10/25/1893 -- Found by leveling from the 
track of the electric (trolley) that the floor of the round cellar of the 
observatory was 205 feet above the city datum.
	THE SILVER CRASH, 7/11/1893 -- The morning paper reports that Mr. 
Chamberlin's assets are $1,800,000 in excess of his liabilities.  So I hope 
that he may come out OK in the end.   Grandpa Shattuck thinks the financial 
condition in Denver very shaky and that if a run began on one bank, all the 
others would have to shut up in order to defend themselves.  7/15/1893 -- Mr. 
Chamberlin sends me documents with reference to his failure and says he is 
cleaned out, but that he will carry out the telescope contract.  Poor man.
	FACTS AND FIGURES, 6/5/1893 -- The Astronomy & Astrophysics for June 
came, containing my article on electric lighting, and also an announcement 
that Dr.Swift was to bring his telescope to Boulder.  

-->	Much more to follow.  (c) HJHowe, with permission.  <--

HONOR ROLL:  There have been many supporters of Chamberlin Activities, and we 
salute those who have recently pledged volunteer time and/or money to keep the 
Chamberlin Observatory astronomy program alive:  Denver Astronomical Society; 
University Park Community Council, University of Denver Physical Plant; Denver 
Parks and Recreation .  Also, very special thanks, with  
	Gold Stars:		The Silverman Family Foundation
				The Marlar Foundation
	Silver Stars:		Bette & Jim Hurlbut

Send us your Chamberlin memories!
We are interested in brief reports of personally significant events that 
involved Chamberlin Observatory.  Selected items will appear in future 
Newsletters.  Submit material to the address below.

Your help is needed: 
	Join the Friends of Chamberlin Observatory  

If you would like to receive the occasional newsletter of Chamberlin 
Observatory, please send your name and address to:

	c/o Department of Physics and Astronomy
	University of Denver
	Denver, Colorado 80208, USA

Tax-deductible contributions in support of the restoration and renovation of 
the facility are welcome.  Checks may be made to: 
University of Denver/Chamberlin Fund, 
and mailed in care of Chamberlin Observatory,  Department of Physics and 
Astronomy, University of Denver, Denver CO 80208 USA.  
Receipts will be return mailed.  Thank you.

	The Occasional Newsletter of the  CHAMBERLIN  OBSERVATORY  is edited 
by Dr. Bob Stencel of the Department of Physics at the University of Denver, 
on behalf of the Friends Of Chamberlin Observatory [FOCO] and the Astronomical 
LeagueÕs MARS region [MARS/FRASC]. 

Back to main EMAIL: Prof. Stencel, Director, University of Denver Observatories.