the memoirs of Harold Secrist, student resident of Chamberlin Observatory 1953 and designer of the Apollo spacecraft simulators. While supplies last, you can acquire a copy of this memoir penned in 1999 -- a 250 page, illustrated paperback, 6 x 9 inch format that includes his autobiography and brief histories of Chamberlin Observatory, the University of Denver, and the Denver Astronomical Society. If you are curious about mid-20th century Denver and GI Bill Student life at DU plus the beginnings of the Space Race and some Chamberlin Observatory history, this is the book for you.
Copies may be obtained by sending your name and postal address, and a $25 check made payable to the University of Denver, to:
Director, Chamberlin Observatory, University of Denver, Denver CO 80208 (USA).
Orders are post-paid and usually sent within 2 weeks, while supplies last (50 copies available July 2001).
Preface materials (17 pages). 30 sections with titles such as: Broke and Hungry; Calculus and Astronomy; Dr. Recht - Mad as Hell; Dome Room Entertainment; A Female Friend and Dr. Recht's Warning; Student Parties; Inspiration from Outer Space; General Doolittle's Suggestion; 43 Years Later (187 pages). 7 Appendices: Borrowed Books; The 1894 Article on Chamberlin; A Brief History of Chamberlin Obs; Hal's Resume'; An 1895 Article; Internet Resources; 1949 Flashback.Return to main page