The Revolt Spreads

Chapter 162 (part 3 of 3). Pararbemis realizes that Amasis is preparing to seize the throne, and hurries back to make Apries aware of the fact. Apries, however, is so angry on seeing that Amasis has not been brought back that he gives Patarbemis no opportunity to explain, and has his ears and nose cut off. Apries' ill treatment of such a distinguished man as Patarbemis appalls even his supporters, and they go over to Amasis. Apries' throne is tottering; he has lost his domestic support, and now can rely only on his hired troops.


[Vocabulary] Most of this selection, like the last part of the previous selection, has the accusative and infinitive construction characteristic of reported speech. Herodotus is telling us that this is what they told him, but he is not guaranteeing that it is fact. We see the ss in place of tt , and the use of third person pronouns, but should be used to them by now. I have included the words for eye and mouth with those for ear and nose, to show them all at once. Note that there are several words for eye. The idiom for to be very wrathful is a typical pattern; note that it uses the adverb.

Patarbemis could not ignore the meaning of these words, and seeing the preparations as well, speedily departed, planning as rapidly as possible to make the king aware of these events. When he returned to Apries, but not leading Amasis, [the king] without one word and becoming very wrathful, ordered that his ears and nose be cut off. The other Egyptians, who yet favored him, seeing a man so treated without waiting any time, went over to the others, and gave themselves to Amasis.

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Composed by J. B. Calvert
Last revised 19 July 1999