Grading policy, Professor Stencel, University of Denver


Grading is based on several factors, including:

25%: Attendance & participation [Atencion y participacion] (25%)

25%: Homework -- Late papers lose 10% of max value per day late,  and no late papers will be accepted after the last day of classes [Los ultimos papeles pierden el 10% de valor maximo por dia tarde]

25%: Weblog/book reports and quizzes

25%: Lab & observing = attendance, participation & write-ups

Extra credit options always exist, just ask.  However, these are not a substitute for missed work.

[las opciones adicionales del credito del, existen siempre, apenas pida. Sin embargo, estos no son un substituto para el trabajo faltado]


SCALE: 90% = A-/B+, 80% = B-/C+, 70% = C-/D+, etc.

Check for your current accumulated scores,

BUT…use caution as these might not tell the entire story [e.g. +/- Labs &c].


University Honor Code is in effect:  See website

[El codigo del honor de la universidad esta en efecto]


As a courtesy, please turn off cell phones during class.  Thanks.

[Como cortesia, de vuelta por favor apagado a los telefonos de la celula durante clase. Gracias.]


Guarantee: If you will put in at least one hour studying for each hour in class, you can master the subject! 

Example: a 4 credit class ideally means 8+ hours/week commitment to studying (e.g. reading, homework, obs., lab prep, quiz prep, weblogging, etc.) in addition to attending the lectures.  This is why a full-time student with 15 credits should be spending 15 * 3 = 45 hours/week, which is actually a full time job!


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