Sample form filled out with results

ICT-4570 Homework 2


This exercise allows you to explore creating simple, linear JavaScript programs which include simple computation.

What to Hand In

Canvas submission instructions:
Please combine multiple files into a single "zip" archive, and save it in a location that you will remember. When you are ready to submit the assignment solution, open the assignment in Canvas, and click on the Submit for Evaluation button at the top, attach the file, and click Submit for Evaluation at the bottom.


  1. Using the pop-up prompt
    1. Prompt the user for a width for a rectangle
    2. Prompt the user for a height for a rectangle
    3. Alert the user to the resulting area and perimeter of the resulting rectangle.
  2. Using a form
    1. Start with the form noted below
    2. Complete the simple function getarea, outlined below, to compute the area and perimeter of the rectangle
    3. Display the result to the user by inserting the result in the element with the area id.



Criteria Weight
Pop-up prompt order and logic on HTML, CSS, and JavaScript 25
Pop-up prompt screen shots with values filled in with 10 and 10 10
Pop-up prompt screen shots with values filled in with abc and def 5
Form order and logic in HTML, CSS and JavaScript 45
Form screen shots with values filled in with 12.5 and 15 10
Form screen shots with values filled in with 3,abc and 4def 5