Guidelines for Homework Submission
- All homework must be handed in on time (even if incomplete!)
- Remember that the goal is legibility/readability
- Each file printed out should start on its own page
- Permanently fasten your papers together
- Put the files in an easily reviewable order--main program
first, header files and then bodies for the classes or functions.
- Please indent each level from two to six spaces (2, 3, 4, 5, or 6).
- Please indent each level the same amount.
- The only recognized exception is for the labels in a switch statement
(which may be indented 1/2 level)
- Be consistent in placement of curly braces (e.g., always open
at left on a new line)
- The only required comment is the "top block"
- The top block must contain your name and the file name
- Comments must be provided when anything unusual or non-obvious
is put in your program
- Canonical example: clearing an input buffer after reading a value
- Line up statements in the same block.
- Make sure no text is beyond the right margin of the paper
- Use white space liberally to enhance readability
- Make sure your printout is legible.
- Ribbon/Toner is sufficient
- Text does not go off edges of paper
- Use a fixed width font such as Courier or Typewriter to aid readability
Sample runs
- When the problem asks for sample runs with particular data, use that data
and not other data you have made up.
- If your program will not run, submit your error listing as the output of
your sample run
- In a Unix environment, you can run "script" to save a transscript of
your session; Under DOS, you can use Control-P to toggle printing on and
off; Under Windows you -might- be able to scroll the session, select it and
paste it into a word processing document.
- You may (and should!) make many other runs for testing purposes
- You will likely use several main programs to build up confidence
in your implementation
- You will learn to "design a little, code a little, test a
- Be sure to answer any questions that are part of the problems.
Questions in the Notes section are for your thought only.
- All resubmissions must be accompanied by the original submission
for comparison.
- All original submissions must be handed in on time, even if
- Resubmissions will receive a maximum score of 90
- Papers not handed in on time will receive a score of 0