Kaplan, Oliver and Enzo Nussio. 2018. Explaining Recidivism of Ex-combatants in Colombia. Journal of Conflict Resolution 62(1): 64–93.
Replication data (Stata) Online Appendix
Kaplan, Oliver. 2017. “The Art of Rhetorical Traps in Civilian Self-protection.” Journal of Peacebuilding and Development 12(3): 111-116.
Kaplan, Oliver and Enzo Nussio. 2015. Community Counts: The Social Reintegration of Ex-combatants in Colombia. Conflict Management and Peace Science.
Kaplan, Oliver. 2013. Protecting Civilians in Civil War: The Institution of the ATCC in Colombia. 2013. Journal of Peace Research 50(3): 351–367.
Kaplan, Oliver. 2013. Nudging Armed Groups: How Civilians Transmit Norms of Protection. 2013. Stability: International Journal of Security and Development 2(3): 62. (html version)
Albertus, Michael and Oliver Kaplan. 2013. Land Reform as a Counterinsurgency Policy: The Case of Colombia. Journal of Conflict Resolution 57(2): 198–231.
Working Papers
Shootings and Shamans: Indigenous Group Authority Structures and Civil War Violence in Colombia
Kaplan, Oliver and Natalie Southwick. 2015. “Walls as a Nonviolent Strategy in Armed Conflict,” with, Sie Center Policy Brief (Sie Center Carnegie “Bridging the Gap” series, Korbel School, University of Denver), October 2015.
Commentary and Analysis
Political Violence @ a Glance blogs:
Kaplan, Oliver and Enzo Nussio. 2017. “How to Keep the FARC Guerrillas Out of the Fight.” The New York Times, August 3, 2017. (Español)
Kaplan, Oliver and Kate Castenson. 2015. “'To end forced marriage, we must work with the whole community'.” (The CNN Freedom Project), November 2, 2015.
Albertus, Michael and Oliver Kaplan. 2015. “The Key To Peace In Colombia Is In Its Countryside.”, October 29, 2015.
Kaplan, Oliver. 2015. “Another Step Toward Peace in Colombia.” Foreign Policy, July 13, 2015.
Kaplan, Oliver. 2015. “Peace is Coming to Colombia” (Despite recent setbacks, the negotiation process between FARC and the government remains on track). Foreign Policy (Democracy Lab), May 14, 2015.
Kaplan, Oliver and Ashley Greve. 2015. “Can Snowball Sampling Estimate Human Trafficking?” openDemocracy (Beyond Trafficking and Slavery; peer reviewed), February 12, 2015.
“Grassroots political participation key to ensure peace in Colombia: Conflict expert”
Colombia Reports interview, November 21, 2013.