Rafael Fajardo

Assistant Professor


University of Denver


Border Games: Crosser and La Migra

Pixels Politics & Play (essay)


La Migra™

cross-platform versions
require Stagecast™ Player,
and the Java™ Virtual Machine
appropriate for your system.
You will need to restart your browser after
downloading the Stagecast Player. Then return
to this page and click on the links above.

Game links will load game into
a browser window.

horizontal rule

Crosser™ (cocoa)

La Migra™ (cocoa)

Mac only versions
are self-contained applications
that run in Mac 0S v7.6-v9.x
links will download game.

Crosser™ & La Migra™ are a product of SWEAT
A collaborative led by Rafael Fajardo
to make socially conscious video games.