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    cycle, initiated by their Cuban grandparents, by rooting us, irrevocably, in this generous place where we have found a home, a life, welcoming friends, support and encouragement.

It is revealing to note that, when we became American citizens a few years back and were given the option, open to all immigrants that adopt citizenship, to change our name, Rick and Victor decided to keep the family surname of Fernández, while I officially changed mine to the one I had been using artistically for many years, my mother's maiden name of Iznaola. They, unafraid of the future, could stick with the past.

And that is why they protect me against Unamuno's curse, quoted at the very beginning of these commentaries. And through this piece that is theirs as much as it is of their forefathers, the piece where I honor my past, I, like them, liberate my future.

I, at last, know "de dónde son los cantantes".

Aurora, Colorado, April 2000

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