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socs 1210 (winter 2007)  
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100 Critical Inquiry paper version 1
150 Voices of Discovery paper
100 Critical Inquiry paper version 2
100 Leaders of the Day
200 Midterm
250 Final exam
100 Class participation
1000 (divide by 10 to calculate final score)

You will be expected to read the assigned chapter for the day it will be discussed. Keeping up with readings is vital for your ability to understand the material and thus for your ability to do well on the midterm and final. Your preparation is expected and will be rewarded in your class participation score.

All assignments are due at the beginning of the scheduled class period in which they are assigned.  No late assignments will be accepted.  If you miss the class period in which you’re scheduled to be Leader of the Day, you will not receive credit for that assignment (if you are deathly ill, you can receive partial credit for the written part of the Leader assignment if it is completed and posted on time and if your team members verify your contribution.  If you know of a conflict, you need to find someone to trade dates with you).

Grades are final.  Grades are based on performance, not effort (effort is recognized for your participation grade).  Here are the circumstances under which I would change a grade: 1) I have made an error, or 2) I have failed to hold you to the same standard as everyone else.  In the event that you feel that someone else has received an undeserved grade, you should make your case in writing to me within two weeks of receiving the final grade.  Under no circumstances are “incompletes” awarded for this class.

You will be able to check your grades throughout the quarter using Blackboard.


Assignment 1 - Critical Inquiry Paper

This is a collaborative project that you’ll work on with a classmate.  Each collaborative team will be pursuing a response to the same question, for example: “How is sexual behavior portrayed in the media?,” “How are drugs portrayed in the media?,” “How are lower income people portrayed in the media?”, “How are biracial people portrayed in the media?” etc. You and your partner will select a single medium to explore, either one of those media covered in the textbook or one not directly addressed in our readings.  The two of you should consume a number of messages within your given medium and meet to work through the critical process: describe, analyze, interpret, evaluate, and engage. In a jointly authored report, you should describe, analyze, interpret, evaluate, and ultimately engage the messages within your medium.  This paper needs to be 4 - 5 double-spaced pages in length. Brief examples of working through the critical process are modeled in each chapter’s “Media Literacy and the Critical Process” boxes.
Due: 1/23

Assignment 2 - Voices of Discovery Reflection Paper

As part of this course, you will be participating in a six-week small group session that is coordinated by the Center for Multicultural Excellence. You will have the opportunity to be in regular dialogue with people who differ from you in terms of nationality, race/ethnicity, gender, or sexual orientation. A celebration on the evening of Wednesday Feb 28 will mark the conclusion of your small group's time together.  2-3 double spaced pages.
Due: 3/1

Assignment 3 - Critical Inqiury Rewrite & Presentation

Often in communication, professionals are asked to write and rewrite many times. Therefore, this assignment gives you an opportunity to return to your first paper, incorporating learnings from the course into a final written version (6 - 7 double spaced pages) and 10-minute class presentation.
    Due: 3/8

Assignment 4 - Leaders of the Day

Working with three of your classmates, you will create an in-class presentation of material from the assigned chapter of the Media and Culture textbook.  You will be responsible for a 10-to-15 minute presentation of the assigned material, followed by a 20-minute led discussion/activity with the class.  Presentations should (a) illustrate the main purpose and argument of the reading; (b) point to and comment on two to three important passages and two to three key terms; and (c) propose at least two topics for discussion.  Although you will cover some key aspects of the material, this is not meant to be just a summary of the assigned reading; it should function as a guide to the pivotal issues raised in the readings and as a catalyst for generating class discussion.  You will prepare an outline and place it on the class blog by midnight the night before your assigned class. 

Class attendance matters!

I consider this class a work environment, where your absence impacts not just your work but the work of others. As would be the case in a work environment, it is considered a common courtesy to inform me when you will be missing class. Please note that when you miss class for work, illness, religious observation, doctor’s or advisor’s appointments or other personal reasons, these still count as absences. Missing two days of work during a ten-week period is generally considered acceptable, but if you miss work more than two times in ten weeks, you’d probably need to start looking for a new job. You are therefore able to miss a total of two class periods over the course of the quarter without penalty. Once you miss your third class period – for whatever reason -- you will lose points from your final score at the rate of 50 points per additional absence (exceptions include a documented lengthy personal illness, documented death in the family, or documented sports team release). If you miss more than three class periods, I will strongly recommend that you drop this course because it will be very difficult for you to receive a passing grade.
  • There will be extra credit options made available later in the term.





Leaders of the Day: varies (consult schedule below)
1/23: Critical Inquiry Paper due
3/1:Voices of Discovery paper due
3/8: Critical Inquiry rewrite due

1/30: Midterm
3/15: Final