Dr. E.K. Demos taught his first Distance Education
course at a Community College in 1991. He teaches a "Race
to Save the Planet" Telecourse at the Community College of
Aurora and ecology and environmental management courses at University
College at the University of Denver. Dr. Demos defines Distance
Education as "any education done at a distance...outside
the traditional class room environment." He has used public
educational T.V., web sites, e-mail, telephone, fax, snail mail,
as well as commercial course management tools mediums to teach
his distance education courses (9).
Marti Dyer-Allison
fits the stereotypical distance education student profile. She
is 43 years old, married and the mother of 2. She has an MA in
Education Administration and is a full-time Ph.D. student at the
University of Denver. Marti works as a full-time Graduate Assistant.
In addition, she is taking online classes through the University
Maryland University College pursuing a Online Masters Degree in
Distance Education (10).
