Love, Alexander, Michael Greenberger, Ye Wang and Frank R. Baumgartner 2025.
“Distracted Partners: Why Police Traffic Enforcement is Inefficient.”
Policy Studies Journal 00(0): 1–13.[Link to paper]
Greenberger, M. (2024). What Do We Actually Know About Poll Worker Recruitment
in the United States? Poll Worker Recruitment Policies and Data Problems
in the Election Assistance Commission Report.
Election Law Journal: Rules, Politics, and Policy.
[Link to paper]
Greenberger, M., & Roberts, J.M. (2023). Dropbox Allocation
and Use Among Georgia Voters in the 2020 Election. Election Law
Journal: Rules, Politics, and Policy.
[Link to paper]
Greenberger, M. (2023). Damming the West: Sectionalism, Logrolling,
and the Passage of the Reclamation Act of 1902. Journal of
Historical Political Economy, 3(3), 427-458.
[Link to paper]
Greenberger, M. (2023). A Method to Detect Whether Countywide Vote
Centers Are Located Optimally: The Case of North Carolina. Election
Law Journal: Rules, Politics, and Policy.
[Link to paper]
Greenberger, M. (2022). Undoing Reconstruction: Racial Threat
and the Process of Redemption, 1870–1920. Social Science
Quarterly, 103(3), 649-669.
[Link to paper]
Writing for Popular Audiences
Michael Greenberger. 13 Oct 2023. "It might actually be the NIMBYs" The Colorado
Sun[Link to article]
Michael Greenberger. 19 Apr 2022. "Republicans want to break up Maricopa County,
Jim Crow-style" The Monkey Cage - Washington
Post[Link to article]
Marc J. Hetherington, Michael Greenberger, Colin Case, Abby Cassario and David
A.M. Peterson. 28 Jan 2020. "How are Iowa voters picking candidates?"
The Monkey Cage - Washington Post[Link to article]