Assign 5

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Assignments - Lesson Five

Challenges of Distance Education

Reading Assignments

Issues in Web-Based Pedagogy
Ch. 15 The "Time" Factor in On-line Teaching: Implications for Faculty and Their Universities, Ch. 17 Copyright and Web-Based Education: What All Faculty Should Know. Ch. 20 The Promise-and Potential Pitfalls-of Cyber learning

Teaching and Learning at a Distance
Ch. 5 Copyright and Distance Education

Lesson 5 Hypertext

Reading Summary Slideshow

Self-Assessment Quiz

Discussion Questions:

  • You are teaching an online "Introduction to Advertising" course and want to include a couple of video clips of famous commercials in your online course. You obtained the clips by taping them during the Advertising Age awards show that was televised two months ago. Based on current copyright guidelines for digital media in an online course, are you in violation of current copyright laws if you include the clips on your distance education course web site? Why or why not? If the answer is no, what are some available options for using this material in your class?
  • In your opinion, what are the two most important student services that should be available to distance education students? Make sure to explain why you made these choices.
  • Do you agree with research that finds that online teaching takes more time? What accounts for the additional time it takes for faculty to teach an online course? Based on your own personal experience, do you think it takes more time to take a class online compared to a traditional face-to-face course? Please include the number of online courses you have taken in your answer.

Assignment 1: "Providing Student Services to Distance Learners"

Team Project

Please review the list of student services from the "Beyond the Administrative Core: Creating Web-based Student Services for Online Learners" project. Pick two topics that interest you and email me your top two choices by July 15th. I will assign teams based on common interests.

Each team member is required to view one of the archived WCET HorizonLive Web casts about your student services topic. If applicable, review the PowerPoint slides and transcript. Work with your team member to summarize the presentation. Share your presentation with the class by posting your summaries in the Lesson Five discussion forum entitled, "Student Services Team Project."

Below is a direct link a list of Web casts:

Note: use your firstname and last initial for your login to the HorizonLive archived Web cast (i.e., KathyK).

© Copyright 2003 by Kathy Keairns

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