Lesson4 pg. 7

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Lesson Four (7 of 8)
Distance Education Technologies

The Open Knowledge Initiative (O.K.I.) is an informal coalition led by MIT whose goal is to "create an open and extensible architecture for learning technology specifically targeted to the needs of the higher education community.

Jones Knowledge has recently released their Jones e-education software as a free licensable online learning platform. According to their web site:

"A simple CD installation of the free source code for Jones e-education, hosted on the server of your choice, allows for the quick launch of your online learning program. Courses developed in the authoring tool you select can be uploaded to the platform in a few easy clicks."

New digital technologies enable distance education courses to become much more interactive compared to the earlier delivery methods of distance learning. Combining new technologies with older media, a distance educator can build a successfully interactive course that takes advantage of a variety of delivery mediums. These new technologies have the potential to significantly improve distance education.

However, the technology cannot do it by itself, the real potential of these tools lies in the instructor. The instructor must incorporate and practice good instructional design if they wish to create a pedagogically sound distance learning course.

Lesson Four Links:

Readings Summary Slideshow
Self-assessment quiz
Lesson four assignments

Supplemental Online Resources:

Open-source course management systems
Edutools - This site provides an independently-reviewed analyses of selected course management software, including product comparisons, reviews, and automated decision-making tools.
Emerging Technologies and Distributed Learning
Digital Video for the Next Millennium
Distance Education & Technology

© Copyright 2003 by Kathy Keairns

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