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Lesson One (8 of 8)
Foundations of Distance Education


Hurst, Fred. "The Death of Distance Learning?" Educause Quarterly, Volume 24, Number 3, 2001 58-60.

Matthews, Diane. "The Origins of Distance Education." T.H.E. Journal.Vol. 27, No. 2 Sept. 99. 56-66.

National Education Association. "A Survey of Traditional and Distance Learning Higher Education Members." Washington, DC June 2000.

Sherron, Gene T. and Boettcher, Judith V. "Distance Learning: The Shift to Interactivity." CAUSE Professional Paper Series, #17, 1997. 1-32.

Simonson, Michael, & Smaldino, Sharon, & Albright, Michael, & Zvacek, Susan. Teaching and Learning at a Distance, Foundations of Distance Education. Prentice-Hall Inc. 2000.

U.S. Department of Education, National Center for Education Statistics. Distance Education at Postsecondary Education Institutions: 1997-98. NCES 2000-013, by Laurie Lewis, Kyle Snow, Elizabeth Farris, Douglas Levin. Bernie Greene, project officer. Washington, DC: 1999.


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