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capital elow are links to Word and PDF versions of my c.v. I have a diverse range of work and life experiences. I have worked as a print journalist in a number of different capacities, including business writer, sports writer/editor, editorial pages writer/editor, etc.

info on top graphic

photo shot at University of Copenhagen, summer of 2003.

I also have plenty of experience as a teacher, having taught several different writing, argumentation, and mass media courses at Colorado State University, the University of Northern Colorado, the University of Colorado, Boulder, and the University of Denver. I have considerable experience as a scholar and researcher as well, as my list of academic conference papers presented and journal articles published attests. Finally, I have experience as a photographer and as a web designer and content editor as well (please also see the page devoted to web design). For more detailed information, please peruse my c.v.

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publications | web design | teaching | contact | top of page

Last update: July 21, 2011

  tiny head shot of christof