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capital t its most fundamental level, I believe that teaching is about engaging the mind. It is about introducing students to a conceptual framework with which they can begin to, in a deep and profound way, make sense of, understand, and actively (re)produce and alter the dynamic social world they shape and which shapes them.
info on top graphic
photo shot on CU-Boulder campus, summer of 2004.
It is about inspiring students to reflect intelligently about diverse macro- and micro-level sociological issues. These issues might range from the question of increasing concentration of media ownership and the influence of American culture around the globe to the ways in which the choice of this word over that one -- "terrorist" over "revolutionary", for example -- might reflect and potentially (re)produce a particular framework of understanding. In short, for me, teaching is about challenging and inspiring students to think.

Courses Taught

Below is a list of courses I have taught. I have included a short description of each course along with links to syllabi and/or course descriptions.

University of Denver

MCOM 2140: Newswriting and Reporting

Comments from MCOM 2140 students

"Christof always presented information well and the in-class exercises were helpful and interesting."

"I learned a lot. The teacher knew what he was talking about and the things I learned won't be forgotten."

"I really enjoyed this class because it helped me become a much better writer."

"Christof made good use of his past professional experience and the technology available through Blackboard to teach this solid introductory course."

"The bringing in of people currently working in the journalism field sealed the deal for me."

"I liked the fact that it was taught by someone with real newsroom experience. That is much coolness."

"The instructor was energetic and eager to share his knowledge and industry experience. He was friendly, understanding, and certainly had a sense of humor."

"Very nice, and always willing to help students."

MFJS 2240: Online & Visual Journalism

MCOM 3190: Innovations in Mass Communications

Comments from MCOM 3190 students

"I loved how this class fostered group discussion."

"I really liked the teacher and the class."

"He was knowledgeable about every topic."

"The presentations were stimulating and very interesting."

MCOM 3205: International Development Communication

MCOM 4160: Mass Communication Theory

MCOM 4912: Language, Power & Globalization

CORE 2140: America through Foreign Eyes

Comments from CORE 2140 students

"You were challenged to not just accept the norms and to think for yourself."

"This course raised interesting questions, as well as providing multiple perspectives from which to approach them. This is how I was challenged to think differently."

"I learned a great deal in this course."

SOCS 1210: Understanding Communication

University of Colorado, Boulder

J-2011: Media & Public Culture

Time Periods Taught/Professional Standing at the Time:
Fall 2000, Graduate Teaching Assistant, School of Journalism and Mass Communication, CU-Boulder
Spring 2002, Graduate Teaching Assistant, School of Journalism and Mass Communication, CU-Boulder
Fall 2003, Graduate Teaching Assistant, School of Journalism and Mass Communication, CU-Boulder

Comments from J-2011 students

"Christof is friendly and interacts well with his students -- and he thoroughly covered/explained assigned materials."

"Christof did a great job of outlining the readings and helping (us) wade through difficult texts."

"This class made me think."

J-1001: Contemporary Mass Media

Time Periods Taught/Professional Standing at the Time:
Fall 2002, Graduate Teaching Assistant, School of Journalism and Mass Communication, CU-Boulder
Spring 2004, Graduate Teaching Assistant, School of Journalism and Mass Communication, CU-Boulder

Comments from J-1001 students

"(Christof) made students think critically, instead of simple regurgitation."

"The instructor was very knowledgeable and passionate about the subject. I liked how he focused on learning objectives rather than on specific technicalities."

"Christof was always organized and made sure his students understood everything."

Colorado State University (CSU)

CO150: Freshman Composition

Time Periods Taught/Professional Standing at the Time:
1996-1998, Graduate Teaching Assistant, CSU Dept. of English
Spring 1999, Adjunct Faculty Member, CSU Dept. of English
Spring 2000, Adjunct Faculty Member, CSU Dept. of English

Comments from CO150 students

"I learned a lot and grew quite a bit as a writer."

"I think that (Christof) is very concerned and interested in what we, the students, have to say. It appears that he put a lot of time into this class, and I appreciate that."

"Not since high school have I had a teacher that I felt that I know. I can't tell you how nice it is to know the instructor and see that he is human, not a machine."

CO250: Writing Arguments

Time Periods Taught/Professional Standing at the Time:
Spring 1999, Adjunct Faculty Member, CSU Dept. of English

Comments from CO250 students

"This class has helped my writing a great deal."

University of Northern Colorado (UNC)

E122: College Composition

Time Periods Taught/Professional Standing at the Time:
Fall 1999, Adjunct Faculty Member, UNC Dept. of English

Comments from E122 students

"Very stimulating. Interactive. Christof involves the whole class."

"Christof made this course a very positive experience for me. I enjoy having him as a teacher. His outgoing, energetic attitude made it fun."

ID108: Staying on Track -- The Four-Year Graduation Guide for New Students at the University of Northern Colorado

Time Periods Taught/Professional Standing at the Time:
Fall 1999, Adjunct Faculty Member, UNC Dept. of English

Course Web Sites
Today's students expect the efficient and useful integration of the web by their instructor. I have sought to address this expectation by building my own class web pages for several of the courses I have taught (E122 at UNC, J-1001 and J-2011 at CU-Boulder, and MCOM 2140 at the University of Denver). At CSU, class web pages were provided (and I used these pages) by then director-of-composition Dr. Michael Palmquist. At DU, I have made extensive use of the online software Blackboard. In nearly all cases where I integrated a class web page into the overall course design, I also incorporated interactivity, meaning I used class bulletin boards and/or listservs and e-mail to facilitate and promote class debate, discussion, and exchange.

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Last update: July 14, 2011

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